Contractors, Meet Facility Managers.
Prepared to expand your business? Gain access to local and national multi-site opportunities! Establish direct connections and agreements with facility managers and property owners all across the country. Grow your business by working directly with commercial property owners and managers in your market.
Do you own a service business focused on commercial accounts and properties? ServiceLoop is an all-in-one ecosystem that can help you focus more on growing your business and less on managing your business.
ServiceLoop for contractors..
How we help..
Exclusive job marketplace and management platform
Bring rfp and projects to you
Lite CRM
Create estimates
Manage your schedule and jobs
Invoice clients easily
In-platform communication hub
Benefits to our solution..
Access as a preferred contractor to the ServiceCollective
Market your services directly
keep 100% of your bid
Build your portfolio of projects and clients
Central ecosystem to manage your business
Treat us as a full time sales team
National account focused
Pricing:Keep all of what's yours..The ServiceLoop platform is credit based. You only get charged when you bid.
Bid packs as low as $1 per bid.
Still have questions? Fill out the form below and utilize the opportunity to extend your reach. By joining our network, you gain access to the hard to reach commercial facility managers actively seeking your services.Gain exclusive early access our contractor led national management company. As well as, tools to help you manage your business and properties..Be the first to hear exciting news and updates from us about ServiceLoop.